Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dancing With Your Shadow

When was the last time you danced with your shadow? When was the last time you were free to just walk by a blank wall, look at your shadow, find inspiration in the light...and DANCE?

Through the hallway, a light casts a shadow.

A little boy stops and wonders...

A shadow should not be wasted,

A dance is in order!

He doesn't hold back!

Little feet go flying.

Tiny hands are clapping!

This is an audience of two...

The Dancer.

His Maker.

There is nothing to hold back the giggles.

It matters not what is going on in the world...

A dance is in progress!

Suddenly, the dancer has been spotted.

He blushes.

He giggles.

He bows...and walks off stage.

Let the Lord guide your steps. Give Him room to show you how to dance, giggle, and clap. There truly IS Light in the shadows of life. You may blush at the silliness of your steps, but Our Father delights in His children. He loves it when we stop in the shadows and dance in the Light of Who He is! He truly is the Lord of the Dance!

"Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing..." (Psalm 30:110)

~Dedicated to my tiny dancer, Tate.~

Until next time,

The Carpenter's Daughter